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Crime Scene Investigation Kits

All Crime Scene Investigation Kits

From the Basic to the Master Kits.

For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at

22 items found
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Master Evidence Collection Kit
This kit contains all of the items you will need to collect evidence from a crime scene and transport it to your agency

AA Master Homicide Investigation Kit
Homicide Investigation Kit
Our three-tier AA Master Homicide Investigation Kit is specifically designed for homicide investigators and contains all necessary components for developing and lifting latent prints, taking elimination prints, and packaging evidence.

Master Invisible Thief Detection Kit
Our Master Invisible Thief Detection Kit contains a wide variety of invisible detection materials normally used by criminal investigators. Your choice of two long wave UV lamps is included, along with invisible thief detection powders and pastes, metal marking fluids, and appropriate applicators.

EV-8062 Deluxe Photo Documentation Kit
Similar to the Photo Documentation Kit provided above, this kit is designed to assist the photographic documentation needs at a larger crime scene. All items neatly contained in a plastic field case.

Fingernail and Fingertip Swabbing Evidence Collection Kit
The Fingernail and Fingertip Swabbing Evidence Collection Kit is used in cases when the victim states he/she scratched the assailant’s skin but there is no visible debris noted under the victim’s fingernails.

Fingernail Clippings Evidence Collection Kit
During an assault the victim’s fingernail(s) may break off during the struggle. Our Fingernail Clippings Evidence Collection Kit is used to collect the remaining nail for comparison with the broken off fingernail found at the scene of the assault to confirm the victim’s description of where the assault took place. When the clipping(s) is submitted to the crime laboratory, trace amounts of the assailant’s DNA may be found on the clipping and on the recovered broken nail as well.

Fingernail Scraping Evidence Collection Kit
Fingernail Scraping Evidence Collection Kit

Identifi Black Latent Print Field Kit
An ideal kit for the officer, agent or field technician. Includes everything needed for basic latent fingerprint processing all neatly contained in a plastic field case with removable tray and outer clear storage bin.

Infant/Child Death Investigation Kit
This ICD Investigation Kit was developed to assist law enforcement and medicolegal investigators with the particular demands faced in the collection of information and evidence in child death cases. The ICD Investigation Kit contains customized forms specific to the common types of deaths of infants and minors, as well as the necessary authorization for release of information and demographic forms so that relevant records can be obtained.

Lighting Powder Evidence Packaging Kit
Our new Evidence Packaging Kit gives you the flexibility to package a variety of evidence. The kit is supplied with enough packaging supplies to process most crime scenes.

Master Crime Scene Sketching Kit
Outfitted with everything needed to quickly and accurately diagram a crime scene.

Lighting Powder Master EVI-PAQ® Photo Documentation Kit
This comprehensive photo documentation kit includes everything needed to document the most complex crime scenes.

Model 100 Plus Crime Scene Kit
Model 100 Plus Crime Scene Kit 1 – Aluminum briefcase 36.8cm x 44.5cm x 12.7cm (14 1/2in x 17 1/2in x 5in).

Master Crime Scene Investigation Kit
This three-tier Master Crime Scene Investigation Kit is the most extensive investigation kit we offer.

Master Evidence Collection "Bag It And Tag It" Kit
Our Bag It and Tag It™ Kit is specifically designed to assist crime scene investigators in finding, collecting, packaging, and preserving evidence found at a crime scene

FS-ENTOMOLOGY2 - Master Forensic Entomology Kit
Forensic Entomology is the use of the insects inhabiting decaying remains to determine certain forensic factors such as the postmortem interval or PMI.

Master Visible and Invisible Thief Detection Kit
CKTDMVI, Master Visible and Invisible Thief Detection Kit
Multipurpose Master Visible and Invisible Thief Detection Kit contains the necessary materials required to identify thieves. This kit is provided with a selection of both visible and invisible thief detection materials, as well as a long wave, 4 watt UV lamp.

Model 300 Crime Scene Kit
This is the ultimate crime scene kit.

Photo Evidence Documentation Kit
Photo Evidence Documentation Kit is designed to provide crime scene investigators with an array of evidence marking materials, making photo documentation as easy and accurate as possible.

SEM Master Homicide Investigation Kit Homicide Investigation Kit
This three-tier kit is specifically designed for homicide investigators and contains all necessary components for developing and lifting latent prints, taking elimination prints, and packaging evidence.

Master Invisible Thief Detection Kit
CKTDMI, Shirt Pocket UV Lamp Master Invisible Thief Detection Kit
Our Master Invisible Thief Detection Kit contains a wide variety of invisible detection materials normally used by criminal investigators. Your choice of two long wave UV lamps is included, along with invisible thief detection powders and pastes, metal marking fluids, and appropriate applicators.

Suspect DNA Buccal Swab Collection Kit
Our Buccal Swab Collection Kit is the least intrusive of our series of Suspect DNA Specimen Collection Kits and is designed for use by non-medical personnel.