Self-Inking Daters
Self-Inking Date Stamps offers you an easy way to leave a mark on any
form, document, or product. We offer a variety of Self-Inking Date stamps with many
styles and sizes to choose from. We manufacture a wide selection of Self-Inking Daters and Custom Date Stamps; COLOP Date Stamps, Trodat Date Stamps, Shiny Date Stamps, Xstamper, Stock Daters, Ergonomic Handle and Plastic Self-Inking Daters.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Self-inking date stamps are not for use with glossy stock paper.

We are proud to mention that we have been manufacturing quality products since 1987.
We are also the "LOW PRICE" Leader, so if you find it for less we will BEAT the advertised price by 5-10%!
For higher quantity price breaks or any questions call 714-979-1405 or email us at